Carrot Cake..Yay!

It’s been a long wait. But worth it, surely?

Carrot cake of the highest quality!
Rumours (..among some of my friends..) of its demise are truly unfounded, and this luscious, moist, best accompaniment to a cup of coffee ever, is still available at the Kiln Room, near Laggan.

Its just a shame you cant stay here long enough to try a bit of everything..

Choicest choices…

Oh, but you can! They have a Bunkhouse (The Pottery), next door.
I haven’t stayed here for a few years, but the hot tub ensures comfortable outdoor soaking in the coldest of weather.
And the wood stove warms you and your wee dram after a hard day on the hills or in the saddle.

Try it, if you are in the area. Or make a detour.
(I hear that a small restaurant is planned for evening feeds, bring it on!)

does what it says…

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