Spiders in my house.

The nights are fair drawin’  in, as they say hereabouts, and the autumnal equinox is getting michty close.
And some spiders, having enjoyed the great outdoors all summer, are thinking of moving indoors for the winter to come (with the guys seeking out a hot lass for some fun; the lasses considering a tasty mate to keep them going until the sun returns).

Occasionally one of these creatures has a few years under their belt, and could do a passable impression of Shelob. The footfall across the wooden floor is the giveaway, normally heard when you walk into a darkened room… Perhaps they haven’t taken their boots off.

winter lodger

Soooo cute!

The house spider can be surprisingly large, with a span across their legs of almost 2″/50mm. And indeed, as the song says, the spider in the bath’s on Perspex. Its slippy stuff, and they can easily get stuck.
And they don’t really bite, and they do eat flies. So its best to look after them.

Occasionally, a stranger beast turns up.

Not sure what you are…

I’m not a spider expert, and Google is usually your friend. However, I haven’t reliably identified this wee belter.
Suggestions gratefully received. (This one was carefully put back outside, not sure I like the idea of unknown beasties roaming the house.)

And here we have one I saw outside earlier in the year. Looking forward to seeing her again when she fancies a warmer howf. (As long as its well away from my bedroom!)


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